I apologize for not writing much lately. I’ve been really busy and stressed out from grad school and figuring out my financial aid situation and a whole plethora of other things that make me want to dive head first into a dozen chocolate frosted. And though I haven’t actually eaten 12 donuts I haven’t been doing perfect with my diet given my now disgustingly frantic schedule and complete lack of organization skills. Sometimes after a 9 hour work day and 2 hours in Boston traffic you have no other choice but to crush a coffee roll and Dunkachino; after all, America runs on Dunkin’. But, I digress…
The other day while I was driving to work and listening to talk radio, I was more than a little disturbed by something the talk radio man said. He was talking about what the “perfect” female body is and how the conventional ideal female body has changed over time. For example, in the 40’s and 50’s women seemed to be (and wanted to be) more curvy while in the 90’s the ideal women was anorexic looking (think Cait Moss). Anyway, the host said two things that made me want to vomit 1) that there should be no such thing as a plus size model and 2) that Marilyn Monroe was “overweight”. Really!? You’re going to call one of the sexiest women of all time overweight!? Apparently men like fat women though because every man I’ve ever known has thought Marilyn Monroe was a hot bitch! This got me thinking about other "fat", hot bitches; here’s a few:
Obviously Marilyn goes first since she's the one who started all this. One of the sexiest women of the 20th century.
Born into poverty in rural Mississippi, raised by a teenage single mother and molested at the age of nine, Oprah managed to overcome despondency to reinvent herself as the richest woman in the world with her O empire! Go Oprah!
Not only is Crystal Renn EXTREMELY sexy, she overcame a serious, life threatening case of anorexia to become one of the first high fashion plus sized models. She also wrote a book called Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves. Love, love, love this woman!
Ummm, Kirstie Alley is hysterical! Have you seen her show Kirstie Alley's Big Life? It's fantastic! The show presents the story of her losing the weight she gained back since her Jenny Craig campaign. Hmmm...Gaining back weight, I can relate to that!
Lizzie Miller was considered too fat to even be a plus-size model, now she's plastered all over the glossy pages of Glamour magazine giving confidence to millions of normal sized women everywhere. Take these pictures of these women, print them off the computer and cut them out. Paste them on your walls, on your mirrors, stick 'em to your head; I don't care. Just remember, these are real women! Women like you and me! Curves, cellulite, tummy rolls and all! These are the ideal female bodies; they are perfect because they are realistic. You agree?
ReplyDelete1. I LOVE your blog.
2. I agree. 100%.
I never understood (and never will) why society wants us females to look like 12 year old boys. I was always thin growing up but I also had curves, muscle, I was never "skinny". Nor would I want to be. Especially after having children! For me, this whole competition between Mothers my age that try to be back to what they looked like at 18 years old after popping out a few babes is RIDICULOUS. Why should I feel like I have to be a size 0 (or 2 or 4 or 6...) when I've been given these AMAZING curves?? BUT of course, it bothers me. I feel like I need to drop every pound I gained or every curve I've grown to love because being 102lbs is what's sexy. This, I feel, goes for all women. Every single one of us is a different shape and size and we need to focus on just being healthy and embracing what we have! :-)
hi! it's such a coincidence running into your blog... i just watched marylin monroe's movie "some like it hot" with my boyfriend yesterday. we had seen the play version a while ago and wanted to see the original. and while the play version's "marylin" was this thin thin girl, the original marylin obviously was not. and she was just so sexy with her curves and beautiful face and above all, confidence. it really helped me to feel better about my body, and sexier, at ease with my curves - and my boyfriend liked my newely renowed confidence too!:) so i say, we, curvier women rule the world and rule men with our curvaceous charms that they want! stay strong and no matter how much you weigh or whateeever - love yourself!
You see,they made us search fir exuses,why we don't want to be and hunger to death,like the todays Models (Supermodels are not there anymore)
ReplyDeleteJust be who you are and enjoy food.
Only if IT controls you,or any other person,then maybe some needs help (OA)
Otherwise,ENJOY IT!
Right on the money. Curves are sexy, not a lack of them. Where would sports cars be without Sexy Curves! CURVES!
ReplyDeleteJust for the record: I think "Plus sized" Models should just be models.
I found also this girl she's gorgeous !!!
Even the fact that we call these beautiful women "Plus Size Models" is disturbing - they are the true models that should be photographed and published forever not the "Undersized Models" we see to often.