My plan of action has two fundamental parts: Diet and Exercise. Big surprise, I know. But really, what did you think I was going to say? That there was some magical pill or deceptive trick I was going to attempt to employ? I wish. That being said, I do have a few minor tricks up my sleeve. But, before I get ahead of myself and start telling on my secrets allow me to start from the beginning.
Like I said in my first blog post, about two years ago I lost 30lbs and then preceded to gain it all back as quickly as it went. As I look back now I remember when it all started to go down hill. I had just got Abby and being a new puppy in a new place she shit. A lot. One day I stepped in a steaming pile of her shit and it got all over my running sneakers. I should have cleaned them as soon as it happened, but I didn’t; I let them sit outside for three days in the rain. Finally, when I went to salvage my running shoes they were soggy and smelling of decomposing, mold filled dog shit. Needless to say, I threw them away. Sneaker-less, I had the best excuse in the world not to hit the gym. “I’ll go when I get new sneakers.” I kept trying to convince everyone, mostly myself. Eventually I got new sneakers, but it was too late. I had been sucked into a black hole of sloth and gluttony. A vortex of sleeping in, napping after work and eating whatever I could get my now sausage like fingers on. I was drowning in a sea of old, bad habits.
The day I stepped on the scale and saw two zeros after a number that wasn’t a 1 I knew I had to do something drastic. Panicked and lost, I did what any woman of the 21st century would do: I Googled. I Googled gyms in the surrounding area. I Googled health gurus. I Googled wellness spas, fat camps and personal trainers. I Googled until my fat sausage links could Google no more. My search ended when I came upon a website for a personal trainer/nutritional educator named Kim Audette.

That's Kim.
I called Kim immediately and set up our first training session.
So that's trick number one, I hired a personal trainer.
I also dropped the old ladies and ease of my old gym and joined the big boys over at Gold’s. I have been quoted in the past saying that I wouldn’t be caught dead working out in that meat head paradise, but come to find out it’s not all that bad. The male muscle heads are too busy grunting in the corner and flexing for their friends to notice you’re alive and the female attendees are too absorbed with sucking in their stomachs and looking at themselves in the mirror to notice me gathering my fat rolls before smashing myself on the stationary bike. But I digress...
Besides helping me to work out three times a week, Kim has introduced me to CLA, an antioxidant that is supposed to help promote lean muscle mass and reduces stubborn body fat, multivitamins and protein shakes.
It seems like I have all the tricks I could possibly need to be on my game. I have a trainer, a great gym, fat burning supplements, vitamins and low-fat protein shakes. What's missing in this equation is the proper food choices.
I'm supposed to be following a very low-carb diet filled with lean meats, egg whites and TONS of salad; unfortunately, that hasn't been the case at all. I've yet to break my atrocious eating habits and fully embrace this new style of healthy eating. So even though I’ve been doing some good things for my body in the past month, I haven’t lost a pound. Go me.
Like Kim always says, it doesn’t matter how much you work out if you don’t eat right. If I continue to eat shit, no matter how much help I have, I’m going to continue to get shitty results.
This is where my writing comes into play. I'm writing for support to eat better. I'm writing to figure out why I eat as crappy as I do. I'm writing my way to healthier eating habits. I'm hopefully writing my way to thin.
Kim's Website: Check it out!
I love your blog, and your complete honesty. What helps me out is looking at the food pyramid, the new one, not the stupid old one. It makes eating a bit fun, thinking wow I still have 2 servings of veggies left today, better get those in. This helped me avoid sweets, which as a pastry chef, blows. Use as many tools as you can, and I'm in the same exact boat. I used to weigh 300 pounds, and I've lost 100 just learning how to eat and walk around more. Now I'm on the last 30/40 and it's so not fun. I'm definitely loving the blog, thanks for being awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the wonderful comment! Seems like you're doing well! Let's support each other!